Light for the World has been working with Disability Development Service Program (DDSP) to build an inclusive training center for youth with disability including youth with severe disability in Pursat to fill the identified need.
This was with generous funding support from the AVAST foundation, coordinated by our Czech sister organization, Light for the World Czech Republic.
The ground floor of the actual building is already finished, which houses the classrooms and training venue. However, we are looking for support to fully equip and resource the training services as well as extend to a further floor to allow for some basic accommodation.
The local partner, DDSP, will identify the youth and we will support them in transport costs, small allowance and training. Acknowledging that this is only a partial solution, we will also hold meetings to engage local businesses and local govt to support actual job placements.
The project aims to be a bridge to employment. The project will also provide job coaching skills to a selected number of the youth.
This will lead to strengthen their confidence for their future. This is very much in line with the Cambodia National Development Strategy (2014-2018) and Cambodia Rectangular Strategy on Capacity Development and Human Resource Development (through further strengthening the technical and vocational training, and the development of technical and soft skills for youth).
It is also in line with the Cambodia National Disability Strategic Plan (2014-2018) and the Sustainable Development Goals (2015-2030), which aims at 'no one being left behind'.
Project objectives:
Address: Office phone: E-mail
PO Box 9206, Pursat, Cambodia 00855-(0)92 266 493/ 00855-(0)52 951 495
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