Mith Komar Pikar "disabled children friends"
The Mith Komar Pikar project (‘disabled children’s friend’) is a multi-pronged project aimed at meeting the educational and rehabilitation needs of disabled children and the socio-economic needs of their families. The project has four components aimed at different groups of disabled children:
1. Mlob Mith Komar is a centre providing physiotherapy and child development activities to around 52 children with cerebral palsy and other severe, multiple disabilities. Income generation support is given to their families.
2. Special education: two special classes has been set up in a mainstream school providing special education to several children with Down’s syndrome and other types of mental retardation. One is in Pursat and one in the countryside.
3. Inclusive education: outreach work is carried out in 28 primary schools and their catchment villages, to identify disabled children and provide support to them and their teachers to enable them to go to mainstream school. DDSP is also providing school access and school equipments such as ramps, round-abouts, swing and adapted twin-latrines.
4. Deaf education: support is given to children attending the 6 Pursat deaf classes. DDSP aim to assist the deaf students not only accessing the education but also health services and income generation for the family.
Address: Office phone: E-mail
PO Box 9206, Pursat, Cambodia 00855-(0)92 266 493/ 00855-(0)52 951 495
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