Paraplegic and Quadriplegic Rehabilitation (PQR)
Project goal: to improve quality of life of persons with paraplegics and quadriplegic disability through access to health, rahabilitation, livelihood and social inclusion.
Number of direct clients: 120.
This project wants to provide all clients and their care takers, a training on basic physiotherapy, on how to prevent bed-sore and how to clean it.
They also receive health and hygiene materials (soap, toothpaste, catheters, medecines,..), bedding materials, other basic equipment (mosquito-nets, blankets, napkins, mattresses, water ceramic filters) and other household materials.
Clients are referred to the rehabilitation centers and/or hospital in/out province to improve their physical and health condition. Assistive devices and other feasibilities are also provided to those who are vulnerable as well.
Peer to peer meetings are regularly conducted in Pursat region. The clients and other key people in the community, are supported to join the activities proposed. The projects wants to help clients to follow-up the progress, sharing their concern, helping them solving problems and building their relationship with other clients.
Through the activities, people in communities have a greater understanding on disability inclusion. As a consequence discrimination toward disability decrease and people with disabilities are more respected and valued.
By collaboration with local authorities, clients are assessed and supported; they can receive water ceramic filters as well as water jars for water storage.
Poor families are supported to build adapted latrines and to repair their houses.
Most persons with disabilities, including persons with spinal cord injury (paraplegics and quadriplegics), are from very poor families. Hence; revolving fund is very important for improving family income. Fund is provided to families (each family receive about $125) to start income generation activities. These activities include grocery stores, selling vegetable or rice growing. Calves are also provided to prioritized families. When they increase number of animals, these families will pass a calf to the next prioritized client. It is a quite long process but it is effective and sustainable strategy.
Address: Office phone: E-mail
PO Box 9206, Pursat, Cambodia 00855-(0)92 266 493/ 00855-(0)52 951 495
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